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Following the practice followed by the Savage Club itself, Members are classified into one of the six Membership categories (Art, Music, Drama, Literature, Science and Law) which best describes their main interest. This might identify with a Member's profession, but not necessarily so. There is many a Savage with more than a passing interest in one or more of the Membership categories, but who practises none professionally.

This is not to imply that any gentleman can become a Savage: in this, as in other imprecise areas of life, personal qualities are decisive. It is sometimes an indication of suitability that a candidate has pursuits or attainments of a personal nature which would qualify him for Membership.

A gentleman who would be equally comfortable in more than one category is at liberty to choose.

Membership is available on an invitation basis only. Potential members are required to be nominated and seconded by current members and a probationary period of three months exists. The best way to start your affiliation is by "button holing" a member and getting him to invite you to one of the Long Lunches arranged on the third Friday of each month. It is a good chance for you to meet the members. You have up to three lunches to impress, and if you wish to attend again you will need to join. Pending your approval you may be invited to join in time for the next Long Lunch.

There is essentially only one type of membership, and the only distinction between an overseas and locally based member is a discounted annual membership fee; the joining fee remains the same. Members over the age of 65 years also benefit from a discounted annual fee.

A standard one-off joining fee is expected, along with the first year’s annual fee. Subsequent payments are the annual subscription fees only. The minimal joining fee covers the costs of their account set-up, member's tie and cufflinks. Annual fees go towards subsidising members’ events, this website, legal fees, deposits for club purchases and administration costs of the club. In addition, a portion of the annual dues goes directly to the chosen charity for the year. 

For more information about Membership contact secretary@hongkongsavageclub.org.

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Room 1014, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Copyright (c) The Hong Kong Savage Club, 2013-2023