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The Savage Club was founded in 1857 and remains one of the leading Bohemian Gentleman's Clubs in London.

Clubs elsewhere have borrowed both the name and the style, which continues to be the 'pursuit of happiness' - a quest made infinitely more agreeable by the fellowship of members who are known to each other by the sobriquet "Brother Savage".

The name was taken from the Savage Club in Melbourne (Australia) however the origins of the Savage Club date back to the UK in the mid 1800's.

Upon acceptance to the Savage Club each member was categorized into one of disciplines of the arts. While the spirit of the club lives on, the Shanghai chapter does not exercise the categorization tradition as yet events and activities are more in line with the pace of life in Shanghai.

The original Savage Club classifies each Brother Savage into one of six categories which best describes their interests. This might identify with the members profession but not necessarily so. It is an added dimension to the members and club.

The categories are Art, Music, Drama, Law, Science, and Literature. For more information about this and more on the original Savage Club go to the Savage Club website.


Room 1014, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Copyright (c) The Hong Kong Savage Club, 2013-2023